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Descargar Karaoke Gratis : Demi Lovato - Two worlds collide
Demi Lovato - Two worlds collide (Instrumental)
Letra - Demi Lovato - Two worlds collide
Letra : Demi Lovato - Two worlds collide
She was given the world
There's so much that she couldn't see
And she needed someone
To show her who she could be
And she tried to survive
Wearing her heart on her sleeve
But I needed her to believe
You have your dreams I have mine
You had your tears I was fine
Showed me what I couldn't find
When two different worlds collide
La dee da dee da!
And she was giving it all
Watching from far away
She was given a role
Never knew just when to play
And she tried to survive
Living her life on her own
Always afraid of the thrown
But you've given me strength to find home
You have your dreams I have mine
You had your tears I was fine
Showed me what I couldn't find
When two different worlds collide
She was scared of rebirth
Left in the dark, falling apart
I can survive with you by my side
We'll be alright
I guess that's what happens when two worlds collide
You have your dreams I had mine
You had your tears I was fine
Showed me what I couldn't find
When two different worlds collide
La Dee Da Dee Da!
You had your tears I was fine
Showed me what I couldn't find
When two different worlds collide
When two different worlds collide
Video Karaoke : Demi Lovato - Two worlds collide
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